2nd Grade Math Lesson Plan

This lesson was designed around the “Everyday Math” curriculum.  I set up an activity that aligned with the second grade 10.5 lesson objectives but was more hands-on.  The lesson began with a review of previous discussed ideas that were related.  Then the children interacted with real world advertisements to “buy” items and answer questions about those items.  To the right is the Smartboard activity that was used and the worksheet that was provided to each student.

Subject: Math 10.5
Date Written: 4/12/11
Date Taught: 4/18/11

Academic Standards: : Round numbers up to the nearest 10 and 100 and round numbers down to the nearest 10 and 100. : Estimate sums and differences up to 100 : Solve real-world and mathematical addition and subtraction problems involving whole numbers with up to 2 digits. :  Identify pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters.  Find the value of a group of coins and determine combinations of coins that equal a given amount

-To provide experiences with estimating costs and then calculating exact cost.

Materials Needed:
-20 ads from paper
-Smart board with review questions
– White boards and markers (18)
– Worksheet with questions (18)
– Glue sticks (18)
-Scissors (in desks)

Introduction/Beginning Activities:
I will begin by reviewing the previous lesson’s information since it is a Monday and this is the second part of the activity.  Each child will be at his/her desk and the “supplier” will go get the purple math baskets with all the supplies.  The children are used to this activity and should not need too much instruction.  By the time I count to 10 every child should have a white board and marker on their desk and ready to go.  I will pose the following questions on the Smart board and have the children answer/show on their white boards.

Round to the nearest dollar: Make them friendly numbers






Then I will ask them to give a ballpark estimate the total cost of certain items.  I will remind them to show the work and use friendly numbers.  Once I see that everyone has an answer, I will show the procedure for using a calculator to check the answer.

A book for .69 and a pencil for 1.32

A magazine for 1.59 and an apple for .28

A banana for .72 and a piece of pizza for .90

A game for 2.10 and a shirt for 1.78

When the group has a handle on the activity I will have the groups clean up their items and put the purple math baskets away on the shelf.  Once everyone has returned to their desks I will call them to the carpet (facing the smart board) by groups.  Under the document camera I will show them an example.

I will first show them a stack of ads from the paper and explain that we are going to go shopping.  I will tell them they have $5.00 to spend.  Using one of the ads as an example I will pick 2 items that cost less than that amount (cut them out and glue to paper).  I will remind them to only buy items that are going to equal less than $5.00.

Then I will write the estimated cost and coins/dollars needed under each item.  I will then answer the question of the estimated cost for both items, and show how to find the correct cost for the items using a calculator.  During every step I will ask the children to take part in the process by telling me the answer to what I need to write on the paper.

I will then pose the questions to the group about having enough money to buy the items.  If they estimated correctly their answer should be yes.  I will dismiss the children back to their desks by handing them an ad to begin looking through.  Once everyone is at their desk, I will pass out their worksheet and glue sticks.  I will remind them that this is a quiet work time and I will review the steps quickly telling them to pick out 2 items to buy (remembering to keep the estimated total less than 5.00), write the coins and estimates under the items and answer the three questions.  I will also remind them to only use the calculator when figuring out the actual cost of the items.  I will instruct them to keep their papers on the desk when they are done and work on their math packet until everyone has finished.  I will be available during work time to make sure that the children understand the activity.

When everyone has completed the activity I will have the children put their work away and ask them to come to the carpet with their papers.  I will then ask several children to come to the front of the class and share their final papers under the document camera.  I will review the steps with the children and talk through how each child estimated and calculated the exact cost of the item.  These sheets will then be turned in so that I can use them as an assessment of their estimation skills.

I addressed the rounding and estimation standards during the mental math section and when asking them to estimate the cost of their items.  They solved real world problems that would occur when shopping with a limited amount of money.  This relates to the standards and  If I were to teach this again, I would have had the children write the coins they would use to buy the items under them.  This would have related to the standard about identifying coins and given more practice to the two children in the group who are still struggling with this concept.